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Immigrating and the dance of life


If there's something that immigrating has taught me (and continues to teach me), it is that plans are important, but we cannot be so inflexible that we're not able to recalculate the route. The dance of life takes us to different places all the time; there is nothing immutable. Subjective and psychic places. Dark. Deep. Light. Overwhelming.

As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, "change is the only constant in life," and this saying is very present in my life and often becomes a theme of analysis. Reality calls me to dance differently to the rhythm of the unexpected music. Being accustomed to this doesn't make it less challenging; after all, it is natural for people to want nothing to change.

But everything always changes. We always change. And thankfully! There's something that also always remains. Phew!

Over the past 4 years, I have been able to provide therapy from various places, both in-person and online. So many changes. Many different settings, but the setting that I truly believe in is there in the session, in the transference, with the analyst and the analysand. This setting is also not immutable but adapts to what is needed (and what is possible).

I embrace the changes and negotiations that life demands of me. Moving forward.


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